Thursday, 30 July 2015

Something's not right.

Something's not right with my Book1.

I don't know what it is, but I've had this feeling for quite a few months as I've been working on it.

Something truly doesn't 'fit' the way I want it to and I don't know if it's best to actually fix it or just leave 'well enough' alone *sadface*

The two scenarios my brain is proposing wouldn't be major changes in terms of editing, but they would be large to monumental changes in terms of the overall story.

One option my brain is considering is to change the age of my protagonist. I am asking so very much of them that they seem a bit young in comparison.

The other option being considered is to change their gender.

(A secret, third option being considered is to change both! Shh, for that way lies madness, surely!)

Am I alone in this issue? I can't be the only writer who has ever encountered this problem, can I?

If you've 'been there, done that', how do you cope when 'something's not right'?

Do you leave it, trusting in your muse that it will all come right in the end, or do you give in to that little voice in the back of your brain that taunts and berates and teases?

(I semi-imagine that whatever choice I make, an editor will come along one day and tell me the other way was the best one *grin* )


  1. Leave it alone for a few weeks. Plan out another project or something. Then return to it. You'll know what to do then. Some things need to left alone for a while and they are often MUCH better when you come back after a break and work on them again.

  2. Leave it alone for a few weeks. Plan out another project or something. Then return to it. You'll know what to do then. Some things need to left alone for a while and they are often MUCH better when you come back after a break and work on them again.

    1. Thank you, Russ, that's great advice.

      Having done (virtually) that, I think I've come up with a solution that I hope to add to the story in a manner that's not too complicated/awkward.

      Thanks again!
