FRIDAY, 11 JUNE 2010
Busy times abound.
Often, when I read/follow someone's blog I love when they update/post about once or twice a week.
Following a blog that posts every day can be a bit daunting to keep up with (I follow quite a few!) but I often want to prod some bloggers along when they haven't posted in a while and I want to know what they're up to.
I'm believing my happy medium is about a post and a half a week to read but I'm not sure where that leaves me when it comes to posting.
(If you'd like to hear from me more often, please do let me know!)
I've been busy working, planning my after-work activities and realising that I will be unemployed for over a -month- before I even start looking for something else to food on put the table.
(Anyone want to place an order for something sweet for the second week in August? *smile*)
Here's the Saroyan I'm knitting (for myself) in Rowan Handknit Cottonin the Ice Water colourway.

I am so in love with this pattern and am thinking about making theTravelling Woman from the same series but I have to decide if I want to make it for myself or try to find someone knitworthy of it.
I've also tried my hand at making and iced sugar cookies.
OK, so the making of the cookies wasn't challenging but making them Vegan-Friendly was experimental as was the icing and "flooding" of said morsels.

I should have made the green (yes, that is the faintest of green on those cookies. Please click on them to see them bigger) a bit darker to highlight the white icing a bit more.
I had a LOT of fun considering it was my very first experiment and I think I have the recipes -almost- perfect.
They're very tasty, I must say, even though I don't have a sweet-tooth! (Especially the "Test Gookie". Yes, that's what it said but not what I had intended to write. I obviously need to practice my Cs and handwriting-on-cookies in general!)
I can't wait to get good enough that I can do full orders of cookies for someone's celebration!
In other news:
I made some more cake balls (new recipe) for a friend who is a royal pain in the bum! (OK, he's not. He's truly very sweet but he annoys me because he won't let me -properly- thank him for things that he does. Hrm, sounds a bit like "pot", "kettle" and "black" so I'll let it go at that).
I had written said friend an IOU (though I had to translate it as, oddly, "IOU" doesn't immediately translate in Italian. Who'd've thought!?) and made him a dessert of his choosing, hence chocolate cake balls. LOTS-of-chocolate chocolate cake balls.
July/August is going to be very busy in the lives of Mr and Mrs B so if we've made arrangements to meet up; please remind me/let me know when suits as itineraries are fast filling up!
One closing thought: Can you explain this?
Every time I scroll down a website/page to read/see what's on it; I -always- then scroll back to the top (or use CMD and the Up arrow to take me to the top of the page) before I can/will navigate away. WHY?! Every time I do it it annoys me but I never remember until I've done it and I'm annoyed!
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