Monday 3 June 2024


 Flash fiction self-challenge. Prompt = “Run.”


As soon as he heard the word, his body jerked softly, adrenaline kicking in instantly, held in check only by conscious effort. The more basic, primal part of his brain chafed, desperate to obey the instruction but he stood his ground. 

"I refuse.” He squared his shoulders, lifting his chin and glaring down his nose. 


He laughed "The fool is one who is afraid of the likes of you." He glanced again, arrogant, defiant, sure. He shrugged. 

"You should run." 

His face straightened, the look of amusement disappearing, replaced by sharp annoyance. "You are nothing of import. I am in charge here. I give commands. I do not obey. I will not run" 

"Then die." 

As the next wave crashed into him, the sand shifting beneath his feet, launching him face down in the craggy rocks of the shore, he finally did obey.